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Title : Challenger Challenger
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Place Of Creation : Port Lincoln, S.Aust
Publisher : R.L. Macgregor
Format : Newspaper
Catalogue record
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Description :

The Challenger newspaper was owned and edited by Mrs Rebecca McGregor, and published in Port Lincoln. Mrs McGregor and her sons owned the West Coast Recorder. The Challenger is a fascinating and outspoken socialist newspaper, published at the height of the Great Depression. Both as a country newspaper and as a political voice, it is unique. The Challenger provided forthright opinions about a range of local, state and federal issues. The newspaper's title with its image of a knight on horseback set the tone.

The Challenger was first published as 'the official organ of the Eyre's Peninsula Primary Producers and Taxpayers' Association.' A year later this designation became, 'official journal of the Peninsula Peoples League and Party.' The sub-titles reflect the editorial stance, as Mrs McGregor set about making the newspaper the voice of community concerns, "in a time of chaos, with the people taxed to the uttermost ..." (28 May 1932, p. 4) The Challenger criticised all political parties equally. Descriptions of the "misgovernment" of A.L.P. Premier Lionel Hill left no doubt about how the Challenger regarded the state leader and his "renegade rabble" party. However, the Liberal Party were also attacked as "spineless," the "so-called opposition". (6 February 1933, p. 2) The Challenger called for the people of Australia to be "freed from Federal tyranny". (30 October 1933, p. 3)

As well as the fulsome political critiques, the Challenger contained local news for Port Lincoln and the adjacent towns of Lock, Kimba, Wudinna and Tumby Bay. Social events were described alongside long columns reporting the activities of the local branches of the Labor Party, Country Party, and Liberal and Country League. The rifle club was well reported, along with church news, sports results, school news and obituaries.

Coverage year : 1932
Period : 1927-1939
Place : Port Lincoln (S. Aust.)
Region : Eyre Peninsula and Far West Coast



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