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Colonial Gazette
Title : Colonial Gazette Colonial Gazette
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Source : Colonial Gazette, 23 September 1840, p. 633
Date of creation : 1840
Format : Newspaper
Catalogue record
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Description :
The Colonial Gazette included summarised news from the various colonies and other countries in which England had financial interests in the 1840s. It particularly includes reports from South Australia, New South Wales, Canada and New Zealand. News from other countries also appears. Early issues direct much criticism against the bungling of colonial administration by departments such as the Colonial Office. The newspaper also vehemently refuted derogatory articles printed in other London newspapers, mainly the Morning Chronicle. References to South Australia appear regularly in earlier issues, then less often. The newspaper reported enthusiastically on South Australia and its possibilities. There are descriptions of the invention of the Ridley reaper (7 September 1844, p. 562), the explorations of Charles Sturt (30 August 1845, p. 543) the discovery of copper near Angaston (30 November 1844, p. 740), and a letter from Samuel Davenport to his father about a 'subsoil plough' he manufactured for his vineyard at Macclesfield. (1 February 1845, p. 63) There are also vehement attacks on the mishandling of South Australia's finances and immigration by the governors of this period. Proceedings in the English Parliament as they affected the colonies were reported, such as 'The sugar duties' (8 March 1845, p. 151). News from New Zealand was frequently presented. Substantial coverage is given to the 'mismanagement' of New Zealand colonisation, in early 1845.
Coverage year : 1840



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