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Letter to T.B. Wemyss
Title : Letter to T.B. Wemyss Letter to T.B. Wemyss
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Creator : Magor, Ernest Howard
Date of creation : 1900
Format : Letter
Catalogue record
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Description :

Letter written by Trooper E.H. Magor, Fourth Imperial Bushmen's Contingent, in the Transvaal, to T.B. Wemyss, Adelaide describing experiences in the South African War, 1899-1902.

On 5 October 1899, the Premier of South Australian, Charles Cameron Kingston, sought the parliament's approval for a proposal to equip and despatch a contingent of 125 South Australian volunteers to aid the British war effort in South Africa.

Public support for the British cause was significant: between 1899 and 1902, 1,169 South Australians served in South Africa in six colonial contingents, and, following Federation, as members of three composite Commonwealth battalions.

The experiences of the South African War did not dampen the enthusiasm of volunteers such as Trooper Magor who observed in this letter to fellow South Australian, Thomas Wemyss,
'War isent a very nice game there are better games than war but still I don't mind it I like it alright'.

Period : 1884-1913
Further reading :

Wallace, Robert L. The Australians at the Boer War Canberra: Australian War Memorial [and] Australian Government Publishing Service, 1976

Internet links :

South Australians at war [State Library of South Australia]

Australian War Memorialsee : Encyclopedia: Australia and the Boer War



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